Published: 19 October 2018
The questions on everyone’s lips are the ones that currently have no answers – namely Brexit.
The uncertainty of what it will mean for us in the UK, for charter operators with UK companies and operating elsewhere in Europe (Greece has already introduced some unhelpful new laws), and whether surveyors travelling into Europe will need the equivalent of what used to be Green Cards.
HMRC staff on the ground have nothing they are able to tell us on VAT.
On the positive side, tonnage measurements for Part 1 Registration are up – clearly boat owners are ensuring their title is clear for the future.
Brokers and surveyors are reminded that British registration does not include VAT or RCD evidence – so remind clients to ensure they have this, especially those buying privately who rarely have the correct paperwork. If they are unsure, they should seek advice from an ABYA broker. A broker can act as a consultant for the buyer if the seller is not using a broker. It seems likely that complete paperwork will become even more important in the future.
Just a reminder – we are still seeing Declarations that a boat is VAT paid. These are of no use. They are not evidence. Evidence is an invoice showing the VAT amount paid, the name of the company and their VAT number, or an import document.
The best we can offer at the moment is the Scout motto – Be Prepared!
Your committees have talked about what we can do as associations and as individuals within the marine industry, to support the work to improve our environment. All of you will be aware that our environment is in severe decline – this is worldwide.
The UK State of Nature Report 2016, which gathered data and expertise from over 50 organisations on how wildlife is faring across the UK and other Crown lands, found that the UK is among the most nature-depleted countries in the world with more than 1 in 10 species threatened with extinction. You will probably be aware of the new Ocean Saviour project launched at the Southampton Boat Show and headed up by Richard Roberts of TheYachtMarket.com.
There are huge reasons to get involved, but when something is so big it can be difficult to see how each us can do something to help. We are therefore looking at what we can do as an association to support other initiatives and anything we can do ourselves. We cannot afford to be complacent and expect someone else to do this.
As marine industry professionals the marine environment is key to our work – we need to get it back into shape for the future enjoyment of those who go boating for work or for pleasure. If you have any ideas, please share them with us.
The AGMs
This is now a two-day event – we have moved the date – if you have already put it in your diary then please note – it is now 29 and 30 November (Thursday/Friday). The Training Day will be held on Thursday at the National Oceanographic Centre in Southampton, including a tour of the centre and anything interesting in dock at that date! Dinner in the evening will be at the Dolphin Hotel, High Street, Southampton. The AGMs on Friday will also be held there. It is a fabulous venue – it is the oldest hotel in Southampton and has existed for well over 500 years – https://www.dolphin-southampton.com/history/
We are delighted to be able to take you there this year. If you want to book a room let Lauren Sutton know you are with the YBDSA party so you receive our agreed rate. The Southampton Christmas Festival will be in full swing by then, so why not make it a family weekend too? http://www.discoversouthampton.co.uk/events/southampton-christmas-festival-6424
Committee Membership
Your Association needs you! Do you want to get involved in the work of the association? The committee members work hard to support the associations and it is always great to get new ideas and new input.
So, think about whether you would like to stand for a committee – ABYA or YDSA or CA – don’t criticise from the side-lines!!! If you can’t stand for committee, but have some ideas, do send them in or talk to a committee member and put them forward. If you would like to stand at the AGM we will need a short biography and a proposer and seconder. And it helps if you attend the AGM so you can stand up and say a few words about why you want to join the committee.
Having ruminated about the best way forward and tried a couple of routes, the committees believe the most cost-effective way forward is to use a consultant – in the same way as we have IT and PR/Marketing consultants. This is under way and we will keep you posted on progress and plans.
Southampton Boat Show
We didn’t have a stand this year and that proved to be useful as staff members were able to visit the show and walk around, talking to Members and react to requests for information far more easily than trapped on a stand where we were dependent upon the right people walking by.
During the show we had the CA Training Day at Southampton Football Ground and the Associates Briefing, which were also easier to staff without a stand. The Show had mixed weather but the overall sense was of useful business being done and good leads for potential future sales.
Super blog on the Southampton Boat Show website for those gardening in coastal conditions – I loved it as a keen gardener!
Jane Gentry, CEO of YBDSA