Boost Your Business with Free ABYA/YDSA Academy Course!
Published: 13 October 2020
Available through the ABYA & YDSA Academy Trainer-Bubble Portals
The courses, which were designed by Duncan Weeks in partnership with Trainer Bubble and is British Marine approved, offers a range of subjects for ABYA and YDSA members for you to perform your duties to the very best standard. Both ABYA and YDSA members can access the Health and Safety module for FREE with certification awarded upon completion.
Each member will have access to their own portal which show’s a list of valuable short and long courses, where members can develop their training to aid personal/business expansion, as well as, CPD growth. These courses will also give you access to the knowledge and expertise of YBDSA resources, members and staff who are all ready to help you along your association career ladder.
YDSA member, Andy Petty says he “whizzed through these 3 because they provided an opportunity to collect some CPD points” adding that due to current travel restrictions this was a convenient way to train and gain CPD.
An ABYA member who has completed all three courses, David Morris, describes the experience as a “chance to develop my skills and information levels from my laptop at quiet times of the day or evening, pausing for phone calls and emails.”
Continuing to add “I live in Essex, run the office and juggle 3 children so escaping for a day to attend a course or AGM in Hampshire is tricky, the M25 is particularly busy so most of the day is spent driving!”
An exciting addition to the course list is also the new Phishing Course which was introduced to help members avoid email account scammers. More on this here.